How To Get There
Flying to Kota KinabaluThere are a few airlines fly directly from various locations to Kota Kinabalu. You can fly directly to Kota Kinabalu from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly), Singapore (Singapore Airlines), Hong Kong (Cathay Pacific Airways), Taipei (Cathay Pacific Airways), Tokyo, Osaka, Perth, Bandar Seri Begawan, GuangZhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Jarkatar, Manila, Seoul, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, etc. you can find a list of airlines and locations here. Read more here.
Mt Kinabalu in the mist. View from Kinabalu National Park. |
Getting There, Kinabalu National Park
To climb Mount Kinabalu, you will first spend a night at the hostel at Kinabalu Park's headquarter. Kinabalu Park reception office and headquarter located approximately 90 km away from Kota Kinabalu International Airport. It will probably take less than 2 hours by car. Read more here.
Mount Kinabalu |
Accommodation and Food
Grace Hostel (Grace Lodge)When you book your place through the park operator, Sutera Sanctuary Lodges, to climb Mt Kinabalu, your package include a night stay at Kinabalu Park's Head Quarter before the climb. Grace Hostel is one of the possible hostels. Read more here.
Laban Rata Rest House
Laban Rata situated near the peak of Mount Kinabalu where you'll stay for the evening when climbing Mt Kinabalu. You will need to climb for 6KM from Timpohon Gate or 8KM from Mesilau Gate to reach here. Laban Rata Rest House is the main facility, featuring heated accommodation and the only restaurant. There are several smaller accommodation units available around the main rest house, most with cooking facilities. Read more here.
Panar Laban Huts
For accommodation at Laban Rata, your group may be assigned to Laban Rata Rest House, but instead to Panar Laban Huts or a few other huts around the main rest house. Panar Laban Huts (3,314.3 meters above sea level) located at approximately 200 meters away from Laban Rata Rest House. It is a short distance uphill walk away. Read more here.
Balsam Buffet Restaurant at Kinabalu Park's Headquarter |
Balsam Buffet Restaurant
Balsam Buffet Restaurant located just a few steps away from Kinabalu Park Reception Office. This is the restaurant where we had our dinner in the evening before the climb, breakfast the next morning before the climb and lunch in the afternoon after descent from the mountain. Read more here.
Nepenthes Lodge
In my second climb, we stayed another night at Nepenthes Lodge at Kinabalu Park Headquarters after the climb. It is a two-family-rooms fine lodge with living room, kitchen, dining room, etc. Read more here.
At 3km of approximately 6km uphill hike towards Laban Rata. |
Overview of the Climb Journey
Overview of the Climb JourneyThe only pre-requisition to climb to the peak of Mount Kinabalu is that you are healthy and fit enough to take a long walk uphill. Yes, I mean walking and not rock climbing...Read more here.
Increasing Odds to reach Low's Peak
Not everyone who attempt to climb Mount Kinabalu can reach the peak. There are a few common reasons that cause unsuccessful attempts. Read on to find out how to improve your chance to reach the top. Click here.
Altitude sickness & health
Altitude sickness is the make or break factor on whether you can reach the peak. It is one of the most common reasons why people failed to reach the top. Read more here.
Food and drinks while climbing Mount Kinabalu
Whether it is from Kinabalu Park to Laban Rata, from Laban Rata to summit or back from summit, etc. we have tips to help you. Read more here.
Personal Hygiene, Toilets and Bathrooms
Do you need to dig holes or to find bushes? (The answer is NO) Is there hot shower-bath? Dry towel? Shampoo provided?...For more, click here.
Analysis of Terrain & the Journey
The clouds are under your feet. Photograph of the summit taken a far with zoom lens from Low's Peak towards South Peak. |
Climbing Mt Kinabalu is Easy...are you sure?
Are you worrying about climbing Mt Kinabalu? Is it easy to climb Mt Kinabalu? The answer is Yes...and No, read our analysis on level of difficulty in climbing this majestic mountain. Click here.
Is it safe (or dangerous) to climb Mt Kinabalu?
You ask, is it safe or dangerous to climb Mount Kinabalu? My answer is that it is only SAFE if... Read more here.
Before KM3.5. |
More About the Terrain and the Climb
Read the account of the terrain and the possible difficulties faced along the way... Click here.
Climbing the terrain Part 1: Ascending
Read another account of climbing the terrain and the possible difficulties faced along the way... Click here.
Climbing the terrain Part 2: Descent
See the beautiful photo during descent at the summit and read the account of climbing the terrain and the possible difficulties faced along the downhill walk... Click here.
KM4.5. 1.5KM more to reach Laban Rata. |
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Summit Trail, Mt Kinabalu. Moments of beauty. |
- Summary: The terrain of Mount Kinabalu
- Timpohon Gate Briefing
- Start from Timpohon Gate
- Timpohon Gate to 1.5km
- Timpohon Gate to 1.5km (2)
- Timpohon Trail at 1.5km
- Timpohon Trail 1.5km to 2km
- Timpohon Trail at 2.0km
- Timpohon Trail 2.0km to 2.5km
- Timpohon Trail 2.5km to 3km
- Timpohon Trail 2.5km to 3km (2)
- Timpohon Trail 3.0km to 3.5km
- Timpohon Trail 3.0km to 3.5km (2)
- Timpohon Trail 3.0km to 3.5km (3)
- Timpohon Trail 3.5km to 4.0km
- Timpohon Trail 3.5km to 4.0km (2)
- Timpohon Trail 4.0km to 4.5km
- Timpohon Trail 4.0km to 4.5km (2)
- Timpohon Trail at 4.5km
- Timpohon Trail 4.5km to 5.0km
- Timpohon Trail 4.5km to 5.0km (2)
- Timpohon Trail at 5.0km
- Timpohon Trail 5.0km to 5.5km
- Timpohon Trail 5.5km to 6.0km
- Laban Rata 6.0km
- Summary: Climbing the Terrain (Part 1: Ascending)
Low's Peak, the highest point of Mt Kinabalu and Malaysia. |
Photograph of Summit's Terrain
- Night Hike To Summit Before Sayat Sayat 6.0km to 7.0km
- Night Hike To Summit Before Sayat Sayat 6.0km to 7.0km (2)
- From Laban Rata To Sayat Sayat 6.0km to 7.0km
- Dawn at Mt Kinabalu Summit at approximately 7.5km
- Dawn at Mt Kinabalu Summit 7.5km to 8.0km
- Dawn at Mt Kinabalu Summit 7.5km to 8.0km (2)
- Dawn at Mt Kinabalu Summit at 8.0km (Low's Peak background)
- Mt Kinabalu Summit 8.0km to 8.5km (South Peak)
- Mt Kinabalu Summit at 8.5km to Low's Peak
- Reaching Low's Peak, so near to the Top
- Mount Kinabalu Summit: St John's Peak
- Mount Kinabalu Summit: Low's Peak
- Highest Point of Low's Peak
- Coming down from the Peak: The REAL show has just begun
- Mount Kinabalu's Summit's Plateau
- Descending from Summit of Mount Kinabalu, right after Sayat Sayat
- Climbing the terrain (Part 2: Descending)
Descent. Climber like me in awe of the grandness of rock formation at the summit. |
Descent. After Sayat Sayat. |
My Journey of Climbing Mount Kinabalu
Why Do I climb Mount Kinabalu?I suspect it was first due to mid-life crisis!! But there are more.
Our Experience on Climbing Mount Kinabalu: 18 September 2010 ~ 19 September 2010
This is how we designed our journey which can serve as a guide for you to design your own journey. We have a very tight schedule, i.e. reaching Kinabalu National Park Head Quarter (KNPHQ) on 17/9, went up to Laban Rata on 18/9, reached summit, returned back to Kinabalu National Park Head Quarter (KPHQ) and departing Sabah on 19/9. Read more here.
This is one of my favorite photos because it include two famous peak of Mount Kinabalu, i.e. South Peak and St John Peak. |